
He makes

This morning I was reflecting on Psalm 113:9, the verse in my blog header: “He makes the barren woman a joyful mother of children.” For some reason the word “makes” caught my attention in a new way.

When I set out to make something I usually start with raw materials. In fact, I generally prefer to create, especially food, as much from scratch as possible.

I enjoy baking our family’s daily bread. Occasionally I will make our bread starting with the wheat berries, which one of us grinds into flour. After adding yeast, milk, oil, honey and salt, I knead and bake the dough. Doesn’t that seem like bread from scratch? It really isn’t. I don’t grow the wheat, press the oil, harvest the honey, gather the salt or milk the cow (although that I DO hope to do some day).

God, on the other hand, is the original scratch baker. His raw ingredients are so raw He made them himself.

Take me for example.

The creation of me - and you - was not just a one time event at our conception. That was the beginning. We are works in progress, being molded and shaped by God - if we will allow Him.

When I think about God making me a joyful mother, as it says in Psalm 113:9, I realize two things.

First, it is He who does it, not me. He makes the joyful mother. I have to choose to allow Him, and it is not through my own effort.

Second, it is ongoing. He is doing it now and will continue to... He makes. It doesn’t say “He made the barren mother joyful once and it lasted forever.” It's in the present tense.

Happy is she who submits to God’s ongoing molding. The promised result, according to God's word, is joy!

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