
Day 1, Full of Fun!

We had a great first day of our road trip, and I am not being sarcastic when I say we had fun!

I really enjoy my children.  We have our moments, and I must confess I had a little problem with my tone yesterday when a certain four year old started whining.  But over all, we enjoy one another.  Such a blessing!

We got off later than I had hoped, but made excellent time.  Our total driving time was 10 1/2 hours yesterday, and we did that in 11 3/4 hours.  Not bad with a car load of kids.  We only stopped twice.

I kept thinking, all through the day, about the wonderful Seussian phrase, "It is fun to have fun but you have to know how."  For some reason that line has come to me often throughout my life as a mother.  It is not just the catchiness of The Cat in the Hat.  I think it speaks to something deeper in me.

I have shared before that I am not by nature a cheerful person.  God has changed me to make me less melancholy, but I still struggle with depression and worry.  Unlike some, who are born smiling, I have had to learn how to have fun.  I'm still learning.

While joy is manifest in the spiritual realm in Jesus, it naturally manifests itself in the earthly, physical realm by how we choose to speak and behave.  Our lives as mothers are filled with opportunities to have fun, and our children just love it when we do!

I don't need to go on a massive road trip with my kids just to enjoy them, or to play with them.  There are opportunities every moment of every day.

Honestly, the first and most powerful way to bring fun into the family is to have a sense of humor.  God made children to play, so what better way to interact with them than playfully?  We capture their hearts in a deeper way when we convey truth through laughter.

Must run... a day of laughter with my children and 716 miles of highway await!

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