Masking Tape
{Mumble mutter} {Mumble mutter}
Busily focused on the task at hand, it took a moment before my brain caught up with my ears enough to discern the slow whisper of "Mas...king...tape. Mas...king...tape."
I looked up to see Little Warrior, walking toward me, his face fixed in earnest concentration, repeating those words over and over. When he caught my eye he said, "Papa said to ask you if we have any masking tape."
"We do," I smiled. "Was it hard to remember those words?"
"Yes!" he said wide-eyed.
As I walked to retrieve the tape I thought how very like myself he is. The words I often find hard to remember are not so much difficult sounding words, but words I have a hard time believing. Words like "The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness" (Exodus 34:6).
Why should I have such a hard time believing this? God's compassion to me all my life shouts this out. Yet I still wait for judgment, for anger.
And those are words God himself actually spoke to Moses!
To my amazement, I discovered recently that this statement occurs not once, not twice, but nine times in the Old Testament. Nine times! And not just in one book; it is spoken in Exodus, Numbers, Nehemiah, Psalms, Joel, Jonah and Nahum.
Oh how I must whisper these words over and over to remember them... The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.
Oh yes... whisper them... masking tape them to my heart.
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That verse from Exodus was part of my reading plan this morning! Hmmm, Maybe God's trying to tell me something. . .