
Joy Sprinkle ~ Day 19 ~ Love Note

My incredible husband is the reason I am able to sit at this computer and write.  He works unbelievably hard to provide for our family... we have abundant healthful food, we have a lovely home and farm, I am able to stay home and educate our chiuldren, we have this very computer on which I am typing.  And so much more.

It awes me that my man takes responsibility for his family in this way.  The Bard knows that our lives literally depend upon him.  I do not earn any income... he is our sole provider.  It is a tremendous privilege to be cared for by him.  This gift also comes with freedom for the children and me... freedom to learn as homeschoolers.

Today I wrote a little note and tucked it in a secret place where I knew he would find it.  And I suppose this post is an extension of that note.  A public version. 

Thank you, my love. 


  1. It's amazing what a surprise note can do for one's spirits! It's amazing how a person can take care of the mundane, but when it is done cheerfully, it can make someone's day.

  2. Brownium, what you say is both true and convicting. Attitude makes a big difference. Need to adjust mine.
