
Joy Sprinkle ~ Day 26 ~ Indian food

Tonight I had the joy of spending time with two old friends.  We live a long way from each other (over an hour drive) so it was a rare treat indeed.

In my little Texas town, there is not much that is exciting food-wise.  A lot of bland chains.  A bunch of Mexican and BBQ joints.  I wanted something different, something you can't get in Podunk, Texas.

We met in the big city, and what we got was Indian food.  Oh, the smells.  Oh the taste.  Oh the happiness!

I sprinkled one of my friends, a hard working mama, by picking up her check tonight.  It was a pleasure to do!  Once again, I am quite sure that I am sponging up way more sprinkles than I am flinging about!

1 comment:

  1. What deep pleasure, intellectual reward, and and spiritual nourishment it is to read your blogs each day.
    And I had thought that once one was a grandparent, one's learning days were pretty much over. Was I ever mistaken !
