
Joy Sprinkle ~ Day 53 ~ Happy Breakfast to You

Ever since the Princess turned nine in October, Little Warrior has been begging for breakfast in bed.  Part of our family birthday tradition is that the birthday girl or boy can opt to be served breakfast in bed on a tray, while leaning back into as many pillows as we can stuff behind them.  It's a fun way to start a special day.

This morning Little Warrior woke up and called me into his room, deviating from his usual morning routine of stealthily creeping around the couch then flying into my waiting arms.  He whispered "I want to have breakfast on a tray, right here," and patted the bed.

"Well, your sister is still sleeping."   Think think think... 

I wrapped him in his comforter and brought him to the couch, propping him up with pillows.  Lucky for me, I had made a quadruple batch of pancakes on Saturday and there were still a few left.  Add a tray, some colorful dishes, a glass of juice, and a little bottle of maple syrup, and we had the breakfast of a four year old's dreams. 

The Bard and I even sang "Happy breakfast to you" as I brought the tray to the couch (no candles... apple juice and maple syrup were already pushing my comfort limits).  And while this picture is not the sharpest, I can't resist posting it because it so perfectly captures his emotions of the moment...

That's not a lazy stretch and yawn.  That's a double fist pumping "YES!"


  1. I love it! What a joy to sprinkle children; their feedback is so immediate and real!

  2. I have chosen you for the Stylish Blogger Award!

    Check it out:
