
Joy Sprinkle ~ Day 61 ~ Surprise in the Back Packs

We had a bit of a trip today.  A long journey to spend Thanksgiving with loved ones.  We got all ready last night, knowing that our wake-up time was o'dark early.  After the kids were asleep, I snuck a little something in each back pack.

My children enjoy crafts, and making something creative is a great way to pass the time on a trip.  So for Farmer Boy, some Wikki Stix.  For The Princess, a small wooden loom and some yarn.  And for Little Warrior a mosaic sticker set.  I found all of them at the Dollar Store, so it was not a big financial investment.

I think they enjoyed finding something unexpected in their bags, and having something to do with their hands as they sat.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like some great finds for a dollar store! Nothing like working with your hands to calm your body.
