
Being intentional has made me more bold... and more blessed...

Day 75.

Three quarters done.

Ten weeks, five days.

Two and a half months of thinking thinking... how can I bless someone today?

It's funny, I feel nervous as the end approaches.  A sense of but there's so. much. more I want to do.

And there is so much more to be done.

Our is a mad mad world filled with suffering, yet all throughout the pain there twists this ribbon of hope.  Love kindled by beauty in the ashes, beauty in turn kindled by love... ours is to see the hurt and reach out with our hands of love to offer balm.

Fleeting balm, yes.  We can never end the suffering.  But He can.  He has.

All around me, I see beautiful precious children, His own beloved.  All He asks is for me to love them.  When I stop, when I rest quiet and try to hear, His whisper grows louder. 

A whisper of call her.  A tickle in my heart write a letter.  A nudge make a meal.

It just takes saying yes.  And the more I say yes, the more whispers I hear.  And the more whispers I hear, the bolder I become.  Helping strangers, taking risks.

Deeper and wider.

Reaching out further, into places I fear, but must go.  Reaching in deeper, into places so tender, which must grow.

And the question needs asking... who is blessed most by this giving?  Is it not me?


  1. Just stumbled across your blog, and love it! I love your mission and enjoy the way your write :) Keep up the great work - be blessed today!

  2. Oh thank you Debbie, your kind words encourage me so much. You have sprinkled me today. I just said a prayer for you. :-)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. {sorry about the delete above I hit the wrong button at first}

    Hi Patti! :) I absolutely agree with Debbie!! And to answer you question... I most certainly have been blessed by your email you sent me. Thank you. I love your mission. Your heart spills out on the page as I read these words above and I couldn't help but think... why do you have to stop once the time is reached? I felt I was reminded of the scene from the movie Fireproof at the end where they are talking about the Love Dare. She asks what day he is on and she says but there are only 40. He says why do I have to stop? Follow the small still voice you are hearing. He most certainly will not steer you wrong and following the servants heart he has laid on you... there are many more whispers to come. :) I can't wait to see all he is doing in you. I am so glad to have found your blog as well through LENS. :) Have a great week! God Bless

  5. blog address

  6. Lyndsay, you are absolutely right. Indeed, isn't it what we are called to every day? What I have loved about this challenge is that I have been forced to try harder than normal to think out of the box. Normally if I see a need I try to meet it, but for this I was looking for needs. Picking people and thinking really hard about what I could do for them.

    And then there are the stranger-helping things. I am kind of shy so this has been a real stretch for me. What I have realized over these months is that my shyness reflects an underlying fear that people won't like me or some such silliness. It turns out that just about everyone is extremely happy to be treated as special! I know, that seems obvious, doesn't it? And of course it's. not. about. me. Duh!

    I really want to see Fireproof. We hardly ever watch movies without kids, but that seems like such a great one from all I've heard.

    Thanks, Lindsay, for your encouragement. In means a lot to this shy girlie. :-)
