
Compassion, Not a Report Card

I didn’t think I was a legalist.

I just thought I was disorganized, selfish and overcommitted.   I was trying really hard to be a good girl, to be a good Christian, and if I could just get organized... read my bible harder... pray more...

Until the day, not too long ago, when I was sharing some struggles with my prayer partner and she reflected, “What strikes me is your observation that you feel like you have a long report card and you are failing in every area.  That is not how God looks at you...

I'm guest posting at SomeGirl's Website today.  To read the rest of Compassion, Not a Report Card, please click on over and join us there!


  1. Patti,
    So excited that your expanding your writing to other blogs. Your writing is such a gift, and I'm so glad you're taking time to nourish it and share it with others. I really liked today's post at SomeGirl's and it spoke a message I needed to hear today.

  2. So wonderful to see you on SomeGirl today! Today's message was so encouraging. Really focuses in on the important. Love photo number one, btw. Those grubby little hands holding the beautiful flower. Such joy on his face. You can see the heart of that little man shining through.

  3. Knight's Mama, thank you for the sweet encouragement. {{hug}}}

    Sandy, that photo to me just shouts grace. The life and beauty of the flowers in his dirty hands... the life and beauty in his sweet dirty face. I am beyond happy that I was able to capture it; it was how he looked when I turned in response to his little voice saying "Mama!" I treasure this photo.

  4. You did a GREAT job, Patti! Thanks for letting the Lord speak through you at SomeGirl's Website!! It is a joy and honor to be able to share your writing with the sweet readers there!

  5. Oh, I love this! Convicted, b/c I'm such a perfectionist (aka self-absorbed condemner of myself). Encouraged b/c of truth: God's very nature is kindness toward His children. He desires what's best for us, and sees us as He sees His beloved Son... Ahhhh... I feel MUCH better! Thanks for the reminder!!!
