
Sprinkles of Blessing ~ Just Dance!

My suggestion for you is really simple this week, my friends.

Just dance.

Yup, dance. Dance with your child, dance with your sweetheart, dance with your mom, or just dance for the Lord.

It doesn't matter if you've got the moves, just dance.

And David danced before the LORD with all his might
~ 2 Samuel 6:14 ~

Express your joy with your body and just dance!
You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have loosed my sackcloth and girded me with gladness
~ Psalm 30:11 ~
I think you might be surprised by the results.

If you feel like it, leave a comment or click on "add your link" to link your blog up, and let me know how you are stretching beyond your comfort zone to sprinkle a little joy in your corner of the world.

Have fun!

photo credit: kakisky


  1. I will take you up on this challenge, Patti! I have been seeking more ways this year to delight in the Lord, and spending time in dance is something I can do.
