
Sprinkles of Blessing ~ Telling Our Family Story

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I have been thinking a lot about stories lately. About how I learn best through stories, and tell best through stories.

Because for me, all of life is context. My patient husband will tell of waiting on tenterhooks for the meat of my message to be revealed as I construct a where-I-was-and-how-I-felt-and-who-was-there backdrop. It's not that I don't want to be direct. It just all seems connected to me.

And I think it is all connected because underneath my story, and your story, and all the stories of the world, is the one big story. The story of God and His amazing work in His children.

In my evolving self-awareness as a writer, I have realized that I feel most in my element when I am writing about people, not facts. People are how God tells His story.

As I thought about this and how it impacts me as a writer, I began to also think about it as a mother. It occurred to me that a story is a giving. An old family story told to my children helps them understand more the backdrop that was already constructed for their lives before each began. We find our place in the world in context, not in isolation.

So I've purposed to add depth to their context. This week I am drawing on the memory banks... sharing stories from my life, stories from their early lives that they don't remember, telling of my own grandparents as we vacation in their grandparents' home.

And I am living the story that is my life, with its tears and joys, and wondering how some of my plot twists will turn out.  Yet all the while knowing that, because of Jesus, I will really and truly live happily ever after.

How about you? Do you share family stories? Stories about your life and your walk with God? How are you purposing to bless others this week?

1 comment:

  1. Story is so important in our lives. My children ask for the same stories over and over of their Dad's childhood. My adult children now joyfully tell those same stories to their friends/spouses, as well as telling their own childhood stories. Sharing our stories is really sharing ourselves.
