
Family Traditions ~ Birthday Face

One year, shortly after we moved to the farm, I made breakfast in bed for Farmer Boy on his birthday, and presented the food laid out on the plate like a face.  Ever since then the "face breakfast" has been a cherished birthday tradition.

On today's menu - turkey bacon, fresh blueberry muffins and a strawberry

Today is The Princess' 10th birthday.  Ten is a big deal to her. She has announced that she is no longer little, now that she is double digits. It is not a happy announcement for her.

She grieved in the week leading up to today, and in the minutes leading up to 11:00am this morning, the time of her birth.

But the face made her happy, very happy. 

I missed getting a picture up her little cup of tea, all dainty and proper with lumps of sugar on the side. She was especially tickled with the flower and candles.  Turns out there are a few perks to age.

Oh how I love this girl!

Happy birthday Sweetheart. Your mama loves you!

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