
The Give Back Giveaway ~ Create Good Foundation

The Create Good Foundation was started by the founders of Pura Vida coffee to serve needy people in coffee growing regions around the world. Their focus is on providing access to safe water sources and establishing economic infrastructure projects.

Did you know...

  • One in eight people lacks access to clean water
  • Every 20 seconds a child dies from a water borne disease
  • Lack of sanitation is the world's biggest cause of infection
  • Over 200 million hours is consumed every day by women collecting water

In Nicaragua, projects sponsored by Create Good have built gravity fed water systems,  dug and rehabilitated wells, and improved sanitation by building latrines.

Water projects in Guatemala have included assisting families in getting individual water filters to clean their unsafe water sources, and building a gravity fed water system to bring water closer to residences and eliminate the need for physical hauling.

Create Good has also invested in projects that bring economic stability to poor areas, including grants for schools and loans for small businesses.

Create Good and Pura Vida sell coffee, tea, wine and chocolate to help raise money for these projects.

And oh am I excited about this giveaway.... chocolate!

The ingredients in Create Good's single origin chocolate are from Guatemala, and the chocolate is made in Guatemala.  This is really Guatemalan chocolate! The proceeds from sales of their chocolate go to their clean water projects.

How about this for yummy?

  • one bar of dark chocolate
  • one bar of dark chocolate with sea salt
  • one bar of milk chocolate
  • one bar of milk chocolate with almonds. 

That's right, four bars of chocolate for you or a friend!

There are three ways to enter the Create Good chocolate giveaway (please leave a separate comment for each... each comment = one chance to win):

  1. Tell us... what is your favorite kind of chocolate?
  2. Are you a tea or coffee drinker?
  3. Share the Create Good Chocolate Give Back Giveaway with your friends by tweeting or facebooking about it (then leave a comment here). Feel free to use this: "Create Good chocolate giveaway! #GiveBackGiveaway"

Please include a way to contact you (via email, twitter or facebook) in one of your comments.

The Create Good chocolate giveaway will end on Friday Nov. 25, 2011 at 11:59 pm CST. Winner will be chosen using

UPDATE 11/26/11: This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations Jennifer!

Disclosure: I am not affiliated with Create Good or Pura Vida. The chocolate is purchased for the purpose of this giveaway, with all funds going to Create Good.


  1. I am so excited about water projects where water is needed. We funded one in Africa and I keep smiling when I think of these kids drinking clean water! I love dark chocolate, and coffee, and I will share your blog post on FB! THanks so much for it, joyful Mama!

  2. Oh, dark chocolate with sea salt - my mouth is salivating! You have chosen the loveliest giveaways...

  3. And, as if you had to ask, TEA! I drink tea daily. If it is actually tea, it's got a lovely dose of sugar and milk to it. If it is herbal, then I just sip away. Ahhh.

  4. going up on facebook as soon as it works! :)

    love you, sweet Texas friend!

  5. I actually saw the link to this via a friend on Facebook. :) What a great giveaway and a great cause.

    I'm a tea fact, sipping a cuppa as I write this...

  6. I also love dark chocolate. The darker the better. Though my daughter loves milk chocolate, so we've got all the bases covered at our house!

    Thanks again for hosting such a lovely giveaway.
    bethpriest (at) yahoo (dot) com

  7. And just posted to Facebook about this as well! :)

  8. My favorite is bittersweet 70%.

  9. I'm a coffee drinker - espresso all the way!

  10. A chocolate giveaway is brilliant! My favorite chocolate is organic, dark (like 60% or higher) w/mint. But I'd like the try their chocolate w/sea salt. I've always heard that salt in a chocolate milk drink tastes good.

  11. I'm a tea drinker but I do like a cup of my Fair Trade coffee once a week. Sometimes more depending on how tired I am b/c of being up w/one of my kiddos. ;0)

  12. I posted on Facebook & provided a link about the giveaway on there.

  13. Dark chocolate with candied ginger, followed closely by the chocolate curry truffle at Whole Foods.

  14. I'm a tea drinker. Current favorite is C. S. Lewis blend from Tea Embassy in Austin, which I heartily recommend!

  15. And, I just posted on Facebook! Oh how chocolate can motivate me! Happy Thanksgiving!

  16. What a lovely giveaway. The best chocolate is dark chocolate of course, :)

    (cedailey1976 at yahoo)

  17. Chocolate?! Any kind will do just fine, but as I've gotten older the darker the better!

  18. And definitely tea! I love the smell of coffee - but have never learned to like the taste!

  19. I love Milk Chocolate.
    msgb245 at gmail dot com

  20. I tend towards tea for my beverage of choice.

    msgb245 at gmail dot com
