
How We Seized the Extra Day ~ Leap Day 2012
{Carpe the extra Diem}

I'm shaking my head and laughing (well at least in my mind) as I write this post. Because really, we didn't have an extra day. In fact we all agreed that a real extra day would have been awesome. You know, a day not actually on the calendar? Not just another Wednesday? Because we still had to do all the things a Wednesday required, and then some. :-)

Nevertheless, the kids and I each picked one thing we wanted to do, and made the extra effort to make it happen yesterday. Which made it all fun and worthwhile.

My sweet hubby was busy working all day... then being interviewed on the radio, doing a podcast, leading worship team practice and finishing up his last songs for FAWM. His plate was uber full already. Though I suppose he probably would have counted "Be on the radio" as something he really wished he could do, so it all worked out.

Our girl knew right away what she wanted to do - make super fancy cupcakes.

Little Warrior first wanted to move to Hawaii. Since it didn't meet the criteria of something that he could do in an hour or so on Leap Day, he had to ditch that plan.

After a long internal tussle he finally decided that he wanted to play a game.  We played Mancala. With his custom rules. That he invented as we went along.  And that I completely did not get. :-) Mancala is our go-to game normally but that is what he wanted to do and I was all in. I got to kiss his soft cheeks while we played. Ahhh.

In an unprecedented finish, we exactly tied... both placing our last gem on the same round and both ending up with an identical score. We were pretty happy with that.

My big guy also just couldn't think of anything for a whole day. Seems he feels he gets to do everything he wants to do. Not a bad place to be in life, eh? So I kind of prompted him by asking some questions.  Suddenly he got super excited when he thought of skyping his friend in Canada and playing a game they invented five years ago. Happy teen seized the extra diem. ;-)

And me? Well, I have been wanting to take my girl out for tea for a long time. And I was thrilled to discover a new local tea room during an online search. When I called them in the morning, though, I learned they had also become victims of the struggling economy. Thankfully I remembered that her favorite local restaurant serves lunch. We hadn't been there in several years so it was a special treat and she was delightfully surprised. Oh I love how that girl sparkles when she is happy!

The food was fine, nothing crazy out of this world, but the company was divine.  We had a little fun with the phone's camera too.

All in all a fine Leap Day! I think it's a tradition we should keep. Since we have four years to plan for the next one, we might all be ready. Maybe.

Now your turn!  What did you do to celebrate Leap Day? Did you leap around? Did you eat froggy food? Did you Carpe the extra Diem? ;-) I am having fun with my inventive Latin, can you tell?

You can link up your Leap Day post below, and grab the button if you'd like.


The Linky will be up until Saturday night. Can't wait to read your Leap Day stories!


  1. I love Farmer Boy's leap day desire, because it matched B's! E spent a loooong time working on a popsicle stick house with two stories (we are now out of sticks!) L had TWO friends over to play at the same time.

    I have been wanting to just sit and draw for some time now, so I made it happen after L went to bed. I just drew a page of noses (I know, a bit odd) but it was great to have pencil back in hand and focus.

    Really E and I are the only ones who were intentional about choosing something outside of time, but B and L were serendipitously blessed!

    Thanks for the great idea! It was fun! Off to draw some eyebrows. . .

  2. I had no idea you liked to draw! That is so cool!
