
Clif Bars for Deployed Soldiers {teaching kids to serve}

Soldiers stationed around the world welcome care packages, even from strangers.

Involve your kids in blessing soldiers - help them package up a much enjoyed and requested item, like a big box of Clif Bars, and mail them off with cards and letters. While you are certainly welcome put together an assortment of items, it's also fine to just keep it simple and send a whole lot of one item.

Your children could run a Clif Bar drive, much like a canned food drive, or you could take the kids to the store and let them pick out the varieties to send. Large warehouse stores, like Costco or Sam's Club, usually carry volume quantities of items like this.

Troops will generally share what they receive with other soldiers so be sure to send a bunch!

Any Soldier is a great place to find the address of a soldier who will accept care packages. Be sure to read through all their great suggestions for making your package a welcome treat!



  1. My son wanted us to send wet wipes as their water availability was limited. When my children were young they wrote letters to deployed chaplains. This is a great idea, Patti.

  2. As the mother of a soldier, I love this idea!

    1. I had such fun making a care package for your soldier when he was deployed!
