
Persevering in Prayer: The Example of Monica of Hippo

by Ary Scheffer, 1846

Have you ever prayed for someone for a long time? A really really long time?

Do you ever wonder if those prayers make a whit of difference?

John is pretty clear:

This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests which we have asked from Him. - 1 John 5:14-15

Scripture affirms that God hears and answers when we pray in His will. But wow, sometimes the answers are sooo long in coming. I find discouragement setting in. It can be hard to persevere.

Then I think of Monica of Hippo.

Monica was the poster child for praying without ceasing. Her heart burned for her husband and children to know God, and despite their paganism, their adultery, their tempers... she never gave up.

And the fruit of Monica's perseverance in prayer and quiet life of faith? You might be surprised just who it was she was praying for.

Read more about Monica of Hippo in my post at Do Not Depart.