It's Five Minute Friday again... write for five
minutes, five minutes only, about one idea.
One thought, one word, the same prompt for all.
One thought, one word, the same prompt for all.
"No extreme editing; no worrying about perfect grammar, font, or punctuation. Unscripted. Unedited. Real." - Lisa Jo Baker
This week's word: VOICE
I was in third grade when I started singing in church choir.
It was ninth grade when I pulled out of choir and took voice lessons. Stakes went up, things got more serious. I floundered. Stopped.
By college, I was afraid. Afraid to sing. The notes warbled out tremulously. Flats, sharps. Embarassment after disaster after ear anguish.
I was 23 when I sat on a bed with an open hymnal and sang Amazing Grace to no one but God and heard something lovely. It stopped me cold.
Tried again, still lovely. Then tried a popular song and it was another disaster.
My voice was only sweet when I was singing to Him.
This mysterious change deepened and five years later I realized that I loved to sing. Loved it with a burst in my chest and tears in my eyes.
The voice... the song... it's His. When I've tried to use this voice He gave me for things that weren't of Him, I have flailed.
I seem to have but one choice. So I use my voice for Him. The words... the Word... The Word Incarnate... they are the only truth that doesn't falter or waver.
The only song in key.