This week I am posting about getting up early.
I promise I am not going crazy.
Just living a regular life. It ebbs and flows.
For several weeks there I was struggling. I had gotten sick and just couldn't get well. I suppose I could self-analyze and blather on about stress and such, but... I just wasn't well.
At the urging of my sweet husband, I started going to bed earlier. And getting up later. It was what was needed.
And now what is needed is for Mama to go back to her early morning routine, not because of some incredible to-do list that must be begun at o'dark thirty, but because Mama needs her time with Jesus before everyone else gets up.
So Mama can be a joyful mama.
It's a simple truth but hard to swallow: you can't have it all.
I can't have a quiet time before my kids get up and wake up to the sun streaming and a little one crawling into bed with me.
And that's okay.
It ebbs and flows. It's recognizing the season. Sometimes the season seems long (can anyone say toddlerhood?) and sometimes short.
And as much as I love sleepy snuggling with my little one in the morning, sleepy snuggling in the afternoon and evening are just as delicious. I don't have to give up snuggling. I won't give up snuggling!
So, because I love my family, and want them to actually have a joyful mama, I am so happy to be joining the Summer 2012 Hello Mornings Challenge.
I have been a part of Hello Mornings off and on since October 2010, and it has been a huge blessing in my life in so many ways. I've gone solo, have been part of accountability groups through twitter and email, and this time around I'm keepin' the motivation up via facebook.
You can look over there in my sidebar ----> and see a link to Kat's free ebook. That has been there almost the whole time I have been blogging at Joyful Mama. I am not exaggerating when I say that it changed my life. Read it and be inspired to wake up early and get your day off on the right track!
How about you? Do you want to be a joyful mama? Do you want your first interaction with your beautiful children each day to include a smile on your face and a loving word?
Starting your day with the Word is how you are going to take control of your words. Starting the day soaking in the truth that you are loved is going to make that smile on your face natural.
So how about it? Join me? Just leave a comment on the Joyful Mama facebook page, and I will add you to the group. Or you can go right to our group (Rising to Shine... we rise early so we can shine for Him!) and request to join.
I can't wait! Seriously, I started today! :-)
public domain art by Johnny Gruelle

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