I mostly write here about my kids and the homestead and the things I am learning in this beautiful life.
But I do have a husband. Without him, I wouldn't be homeschooling, or on this land, or writing these words. He has been my provider and encourager for 19 years now.
We are blessed to have those years of story-making behind us, and many more ahead. Our story has been at times romantic, at times peaceful, and at times passionate. We've had our share of disagreements.
One day a few years back I was thinking about some now-lost fuss and it hit me... someone has to yield here. And why not me?
It's kind of simple... I mean, when you think about it, how many disagreements actually have eternal impact?
Not many.
The lovely Julie Sanders of Come Have a Peace (and fellow author at Do Not Depart) graciously allowed me to share her "Marriage Mondays" space to talk about the idea of yielding in marriage.
So my itchy fingers typed away about all this a few weeks back, but I neglected to let you friends here know! Come read something a little different from my usual fare!
Then tell me... what do you think? Are you willing to be the one who yields?

OH boy! Yielding is sooooo hard for me! I'm a really, really stubborn person. After reading your post, it's dawning on me that I get my self-worth all tangled up in my position; if I'm "wrong" there must be something wrong with me, so, doggoneit, I'm right! I need to choose my identity in Christ and His righteousness instead of my filthy rags.