As many of you know, last fall I undertook a 100 day challenge to do something a little out of the ordinary each day to bless someone.
This was not only the fruit of God's work of showing me the great blessing of service, but also a way to express my love and gratitude to the many many people in my life who bless me. I called them joy sprinkles, because it was my little way of scattering a wee bit of blessing in my corner of the world.
In Ezekiel, the Lord says:
I will cause showers to come down in their season; they will be showers of blessing.
~ Ezekiel 34:26b ~
You and I are merely the handmaidens of the Lord here on earth. It is He who brings the rain, He who showers the blessing.
But we have our part; we must be willing to serve.
Let me be very clear... my intent here is not for us to show off our good works:
Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven.
~ Matthew 6:1 ~
My heart's desire is to nudge you to choose to be open to the Holy Spirit's prompting to bless others, out of your love for God and to His glory.
Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.
~ Matthew 5:16 ~
Do you see the difference? All that we do should bring glory to God. This should not be about you or about me, but about Him. Without Him there would be no sprinkling, friends!
Details of the Link Up:
Each Monday I will post a suggestion to prompt your thoughts and prayers about how to participate with the Lord in blessing someone.
The link up will be open until 11:59pm the following Saturday. If you are led to sprinkle more than once that week and want to link up several posts, feel free!
Take some time to visit some of the other folks who link up, to get new ideas for the coming weeks. It is truly amazing to me how much the Lord's creativity is reflected in His daughters who were made in His image. I know you will be inspired!
If you'd like to include a clickable Sprinkles of Blessing button in your blog post, you can grab the code from the left sidebar.
If you don't have a blog, you are welcome to share your sprinkle in the the comments section (click on comments in the gray bar below the post.)
Today's Sprinkles of Blessing suggestion:
Last week I was thinking a lot about a sweet friend of mine. She faithfully sings with our church's music team and is one of those people who quietly and steadily serves. Her son is one of Farmer Boy's closest friends, and periodically she will let my boy come over and hang out and feed him (no small undertaking... he is fourteen!)
I decided to do some BAKING for this week's sprinkle. My normal bread is a simple whole wheat sandwich loaf, so instead I made a prettier bread... a braided challah.
When I gave the bread to her I told her what a blessing she is and how much I appreciate her. I am so thankful for faithful servants like my friend!
Now your turn... will you bake for someone this week? How is the Lord leading you to bless someone in a special way?

What a great idea!
ReplyDeleteAnd, I have already participated. (We must be connected in some deep way!) I just baked cookies yesterday, for our neighbors. We will be passing them out tomorrow, with an invite to a church picnic coming up in a few weeks!!
Looking forward to the rest of the weekly sprinkles. It will be a great reminder for me, to keep from being self-focused.
What a wonderful idea! It's good to have an intentional focus. Not sure who I'll be baking for (there are so many who've blessed me!) But I will be baking!
ReplyDeleteWhat a GREAT idea!!! Way to spur us on toward love and good deeds!! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteLove this idea and can't wait to see more! I read this post right before bed and this morning there was another blogger's post about blessings from the kitchen:
Katie, that is SO neat! I love how God does that. :-)
ReplyDeleteSandy, you are such an awesome baker, I know your recipient will be blessed!
SomeGirl and thank you for all you do to spur us on, my friend.
Margaret, that is a very appropriate link. Thank you! And join us if you can!
Love this Patti! You encourage me to bless others. Thank you :)