Sometimes He has plans so big that you could never have conceived of what He was about to do.
God ambushed me last week.
I have been surprisingly worn out by the intensity and emotion of a day and a half of God's hijacking. I have not written anything here, or on our other blog Blossoms and Posies. I have been mostly quiet on social media.
I feel quiet inside. Small and awed.
I had plans. Plans of 31 days of writing about teaching kids to serve. I still have those plans. But those 31 days will not tidily fit within October.
Abbie and I had plans for a wonderful little ebook with beautiful Christmas projects for kids. We had plans to finish it in October. It may or may not be done in November.
God had plans to show me, and others, how big He is... how much He loves. How nothing is impossible for Him.
His plans are always better.
I have really enjoyed writing the Teaching Kids to Serve series. I will resume, possible even tomorrow.
But for today I will leave you with a post I wrote a year and a half ago. Another time when my plans did not work out.
We struggle to reconcile reality with our ideas. We can't implement them all and we wonder, are we trying hard enough? Are we committed to these wild dreams? Sometimes it really is us. We get discouraged, beaten down. Sometimes we give up.
But sometimes it isn't us. It is life. Sometimes it isn't in the master plan, or more accurately, the Master's Plan.
You can read the whole post here --> When the Plans Don't Work Out.
Now I am off to make cookies for my children. At least that's the plan. :)

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